Episode 128: Immortalized In Nepal

Happy Birthday Magan! Believe it or not, the weather cleared last night and we were able to continue our journey towards Base Camp. We figure it was Nature’s birthday gift to Megan as today is actually her birthday!

How about that? Two members of our team with birthdays during the trek!

I think we were all a bit interested/worried/concerned/excited to find out what, if anything, the staff was going to do to celebrate her special day.

Just before breakfast Sonam covertly walked up to me and said that he and a bunch of the other guys woke up very early this morning and built something for Megan on the hillside just on the other side of the ridge we climbed during our DIngboche day hike.

I think I remember asking Sonam if it was another snowman-er, snowWOMAN?

Luckily it wasn’t. Nope, this time the guys had spelled out a birthday greeting with rocks, stones and small boulders that we wouldn’t be able to see until we literally walked past it.

We finished breakfast and headed out to continue the trek. After a bit of hiking Sonam stopped the group and began singing “Happy Birthday” to Megan and all of us joined in. We pointed to the hillside where we could all see this message, written in enormous rock letters:


Yes, her name was spelled wrong and when Sonam discovered this he wilted from sheer embarrassment. The stone typo didn’t bother Megan at all.

“Best birthday ever, ” she said.

Jon Miller

Total Running Time: 39:35

We are less than 11 weeks away from heading to Nepal and Tibet for the Everest 2010 Workshop & Trek and still have some space available on the team.

We’re really wanting to have a fully booked trip and so we’re locking in the discounted workshop price for everyone which will save you $500!

This really is a once-in-a-lifetime adventure and if you’ve been enjoying these recent episodes then consider joining us and experiencing it all first hand.

Interested? Then email me directly or register through our online form at everestthetrek.com. Hope to meet a few more of you in person and I can’t wait to see everyone who are already on the team!